Stella Waltemade Creative Translator and Copywriter

About Me

As a freelance copywriter and translator, I have over 10 years experience and work with a wide range of clients from start-ups to household names. With a background in journalism and years as a film researcher, I know what it takes to create eye-catching material and find the right words to go with it.

Years living and working in the UK and US give me a valuable insight into the British and American cultures. I understand exactly where these cultures align with and differ from my own. This knowledge is what will set you apart.

I spend my days writing or translating content for websites, brochures, newsletters, and much more. I also provide voice-over translations for various studios and media businesses and work as language director.

Whether I’m writing for an ad campaign or adapting creative English content for maximum impact on the German market, you can count on my passion and proven experience.

I hold a Master’s in Political Science and Sustainability Studies and a Diploma in Translation from the Chartered Institute of Linguists.



About You

Are you a small or medium business or international brand? A translation or advertising agency? A freelancer? A voiceover or dubbing studio?

I’ve worked with clients from almost every sector including fashion, sports, tourism, food, technology, IT, automotive, charities, health and entertainment.

I can help you charm your clients with professional copywriting and creative translation for all your marketing tools. From short copy to long copy, from digital to print and from the informal to the more serious.

Let’s work together


Looking for creative translation, copywriting or cultural consultation? Here’s how I can help you find your voice in Germany.

Copywriting in German for compelling websites, brochures, newsletters, product descriptions and SEO campaigns, including keyword search.

Transcreation goes beyond the original material, adapting it to evoke the same response in its new audience. This conceptual, culturally-sensitive approach is best suited to creative content in advertising, marketing and corporate communication.

Script translation for voice-over ensures that your words are precisely timed to fit the source material. I’m a skilled audiovisual translator for commercial and corporate productions, documentaries, scripted reality programming, and more, and I also act as a language director for voice-over projects.

Cultural consulting: You need a native, in-country expert to get ahead of your competition? I can help you find your feet in your new market.

Copy editing for that finishing touch. I check your German copy for style, spelling, punctuation and all other elements to ensure the best possible first impression.

Whether I’m working as part of your team or on my own, you’ll always benefit from my expertise, creativity and discretion.

Ready to start? Let’s talk.

My Work

Below you'll find samples of my recent work. Like to see more? Please get in touch.


Client: SportScheck

SportScheck is one of the biggest retailers for Sports and Fashion on the German market. Over a span of 5 years, I completed a number of tasks for them, including product descriptions, newsletters, and print copy for catalogues and leaflets.


Client: Innocent Drinks

Names, names, names ... Working with London-based agency frankly fluent, I contributed to several projects for the juice and smoothie brand innocent. One of the tasks: Finding German equivalents for their fancy names.

Medical Personal Trainers

Client: Medical Personal Trainers

Medical Personal Trainers offer personal training tailored to every client’s wants and needs. I provided the content for their new website.


Client: TeamViewer

TeamViewer offers remote desktop access solutions. Germany-based translation agency Transline asked me to translate web content for the newest addition to their product family.


Client: Hoya Surgical Optics

Hoya Surgical Optics is one of the leading providers for optical products and services. Award-winning video production house Moving Bits hired me to provide the German Voice-over for one of their corporate films.



Artifex, a small company based in the Bavarian Prealps, specialises in designing and building Canadian-style log houses. I wrote the copy for their new website and a couple of specific landing pages.



Over the course of the last few years, I’ve been working on nearly 100 voice-over projects as script translator and/or language director. Clients included Neue Tonfilm (MTV), artaudio (ARTE), Speeech Audiolingual Labs GmbH (Pro7, Kabel 1), Antares Film Berlin, Seed (Sixx), Moving Bits, Discovery Channel.

What Clients Say


Need a translator or copywriter for your project? Just give me a call or drop me an email.

Stella Waltemade
Copywriter and Translator

Kirchenstr. 26
81675 Munich

Phone: +49 89 450 18 922
Mobile: + 49 163 896 22 44


Steuernummer: 148 / 2‍07 / 31329 (Finanzamt München V)
UST-ID (VAT ID): DE 21‍‍6 805 955